MonaLisa Touch Specialist

Interior Women's Health
Board Certified OB-GYNS, Midwives & Advanced Nurse Practitioners located in Fairbanks, AK
Women may not openly talk about it, but pregnancy, aging, and hormonal changes affect the health and function of their vaginal tissue. The changes may cause discomfort and interfere with your intimate relationship. The women’s health team at Interior Women's Health offers advanced laser treatment to restore vaginal health using the innovative MonaLisa Touch®. To learn more about MonaLisa Touch and how it may help you, contact the office in Fairbanks, Alaska, by phone or online today.
MonaLisa Touch Q&A
What is MonaLisa Touch®?
MonaLisa Touch is an innovative laser tool designed specifically for women. Pregnancy, childbirth, hormonal changes, and aging affect your vaginal tissue and cause discomfort. Though you may find it hard to discuss your intimate areas with your friends, family, and even your physician, you’re not alone if you’re experiencing vaginal pain or irritation.
With advances in medical technology, you no longer have to suffer through the discomfort. The team at Interior Women's Health is dedicated to providing all the services you need to lead a healthy and active life, and offer MonaLisa Touch treatments to address these vaginal changes.
Interior Women's Health is the only practice in the area that offers vaginal revitalization with MonaLisa Touch.
How does MonaLisaTouch work?
The gentle laser tool heats your vaginal tissue, which stimulates the production of collagen. Collagen is the structural protein that provides elasticity and strength.
The laser energy produced by MonoLisa Touch also improves tissue vascularization, which supports overall tissue health.
Am I a good candidate for MonaLisa Touch?
The experienced team at Interior Women's Health determines if you’re a good candidate for MonaLisa Touch during your consultation. The team uses the innovative, gentle laser tool to address many common women’s health concerns, including:
- Vaginal dryness
- Vaginal pain or burning
- Painful intercourse
- Mild urinary incontinence
- Vaginal laxity
The team offers MonaLisa Touch to women of all ages and stages of life. If you’re experiencing vaginal discomfort, contact the team today to schedule your MonaLisa Touch consultation.
What happens during treatment with MonaLisa Touch?
The team at Interior Women's Health develops personalized MonaLisa Touch treatment plans to address your unique health needs and concerns. They review the details of your plan at your consultation so you know how to prepare, what to expect during treatment, and the recovery process specific to your needs.
In general, the team performs your MonaLisa Touch treatment at the office, where it only takes a few minutes. Though you may experience a warming sensation during your treatment, you shouldn’t feel any pain.
After your MonaLisa Treatment, the team provides instructions for activity modifications, which may include no vaginal intercourse or use of tampons for up to 3-5 days to allow the tissue to heal.
What can I expect after MonaLisa Touch treatments?
Most women experience improvements in vaginal discomfort soon after their first MonaLisa Touch session. However, to get the best results the team at Interior Women's Health recommends 3-4 treatments set at one-month intervals.
You don’t have to live with vaginal discomfort. To learn more about MonaLisa Touch, contact Interior Women's Health by phone or online today.
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